Selasa, 11 Juni 2019

WAC for the New Millennium

WAC for the New Millennium
By:Susan H. McLeod
Published on 2001-01-01 by National Council of Teachers

Celebrating the achievements of Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) by highlighting the promise of its future, this book presents 12 essays that describe how WAC programs have adapted and continue to adapt to meet new challenges. Essays in the book explain strategies for continuing WAC programs in an atmosphere of change; explore new avenues of collaboration, such as service learning and the linked-course curricula of learning communities, and predict areas into which WAC programs need to move; and suggest new directions for research on writing across the curriculum. After a foreword by Elaine P. Maimon, essays in the book are: (1) |Writing Across the Curriculum in a Time of Change| (Susan H. McLeod and Eric Miraglia); (2) |Accommodating Complexity: WAC Program Evaluation in the Age of Accountability| (William Condon); (3) |WAC Wired: Electronic Communication Across the Curriculum| (Donna Reiss and Art Young); (4) |Writing Across the Curriculum and Service Learning: Kairos, Genre, and Collaboration| (David A. Jolliffe); (5) |Is It Still WAC? Writing within Interdisciplinary Learning Communities| (Terry Myers Zawacki and Ashley Taliaferro Williams); (6) |ESL Students and WAC Programs: Varied Populations and Diverse Needs| (Ann M. Johns); (7) |The Politics of Literacy Across the Curriculum| (Victor Villanueva); (8) |Writing Centers and WAC| (Joan A. Mullin); (9) |Curriculum-Based Peer Tutors and WAC| (Margot Soven); (10) |Writing Intensive Courses and WAC| (Martha A. Townsend); (11) |Where Do the Naturalistic Studies of WAC/WID Point? A Research Review| (David R. Russell); and (12) |Theory in WAC: Where Have We Been, Where Are We Going?| (Christopher Thaiss). (RS)

This Book was ranked at 36 by Google Books for keyword discovering dorothea the life of the pioneering fossil hunter dorothea bate.

Book ID of WAC for the New Millennium's Books is EhMKAAAACAAJ, Book which was written bySusan H. McLeodhave ETAG "0YoLNLNRSz4"

Book which was published by National Council of Teachers since 2001-01-01 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780814156483 and ISBN 10 Code is 0814156487

Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is false

Book which have "345 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryEducation

This Book was rated by Raters and have average rate at ""

This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE

Book was written in en

eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is false

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WAC for the New Millennium

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